The Imibala Trust
The Imibala Trust is a registered South African NPO which works with children of school-age whose lives are affected by impoverished circumstances. The Trust, founded by Mrs Gaynor Rupert, provides a platform from which to offer programmes that make a substantial and measurable difference in the lives of the children, currently and as they prepare for their lives after school. All children, regardless of race or creed, are assisted through these programmes.
The flagship programme which affects the largest number of children annually is the Sponsor-a-Child programme. The effects of persistent poverty continue to compromise children’s futures and hamper their dignity, safety and ability to thrive in the school system. Through our school networks, are identified and assessed for support from Imibala. A network of generous and faithful donors, has developed over the years.
Not all children are academically inclined and within the Creative and Performing Arts Department, art, drama, pottery, music and ballet classes are provided to encourage self- expression and a skills set that the children would otherwise not be exposed to.
To be relevant and meaningful in addressing the needs of scholars in 21st century South Africa, the Learner Advancement Department is making huge strides in providing programmes that add value to children’s academic and social development.
Much of the energy of the Trust’s programme delivery is provided by skilled and dedicated Volunteers. They bring to the Trust a measure of excellence, passion and energy which is palpable and supports the staff complement in all that they do.
The Trust is a registered not-for-profit organization NPO 046-758 and also has PBO status with PBO number 93001 7783