5-Star Reviews

Entertainment Now:
When tourists from all corners of the globe descend on Edinburgh for the Fringe, the city becomes a hub of the world. There’s no exception in the distances the acts travel to perform their shows. From the from the southern tip of Africa, Yes-Ya-Yebo! bring a troupe of teenage performers who had never flown on a plane before. Once the audience settles, we hear the bellowing voice of a woman singing. Her voice reverberates, welcoming us into into the space.
The troupe fills the stage with a boundless energy, dancing to an upbeat tune of elation. What follows are a series of dances, vocal duets, and some seamlessly presented information on the country they call home, South Africa. The show ended up delivering much more than I could have never imagined. The talent was infinitely prevalent in every single cast member. They each brought a charisma that elevated the show to make it memorable. There was humour, cheekiness and a whole lot of entertainment. There was never a dull moment.

Broadway World:
Back In 2012, host of the Edinburgh Fringe showcase ‘Pick of the Fringe’ Mervyn Stutter raised money at his Gala for this charity Imibala – an organisation serving children from impoverished backgrounds in the Helderberg Basin for over two decades. The money raised has made a dream come true for the cast members of this dynamic and vibrant show.
All from the township areas of Lwandle/Nomzamo and areas from Macassar outside Cape Town. Yes – Ya – Yebo! consists of five girls and four boys all around the age range of 16 -24. Not one of these members have ever been abroad or on an aeroplane.
Through the power of song and dance, this performance celebrates the 12 official languages of South Africa; Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, siSwati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa and isiZulu.